What I can provide to you?
A full share of my realm for a different question.
Career Inspiration
Life is short. How will you be remembered? What difference will you make? You ARE gifted with the divine spark… How will you use it?

Let me help you create a fulfilling life! One that pays well and is
demonstrably rewarding. There is no shortage of good ideas, but,
when you focus on the product of your efforts you are not focusing
on the outcome your creations provide to you. For the savvy business
person, having the “best” product can help – but the real goal is selling
as much as you can with the largest profit margin (which often means the
least amount of effort).
Creation Facilitator
Erysichthon is never satiated, the hunger of the consumer can never
be underestimated. And the spark manifests most strongly in acts of
creation. I facilitate creation with my Reduce Reuse Recycle strategy
to provide you with the bulk amount of original ideas you need for your
projects with the least amount of effort.
Asset Production

As “there is nothing new under the sun”, there is no reason not to use your
divine spark to tap those resources that are already there! One of my
key clients has easily turned the works of Hans Christian Anderson and
the Brothers Grimm into a multi billion dollar empire, and best part –
locked their competitors out of the same strategy!
Thankfully there are many more works ready to be tapped!
And perhaps the spark is strong within you… perhaps it runs in your
family. So, what better way to reward your family than to let them
live off of the income of your works rather than stress the limits
of the spark by creating their own? And thus is preserved
the spark for
future generations – You are wise to not believe the spark actually grows
with use…
Content Production
The act of creation is not the goal in itself. The goal is a product
you can monitize so you can live the life you deserve. I have
helped enable technology to produce the largest amount of quality content
with the least amount of effort.

For centuries, writers have been under pressure to write quickly and to
a high standard because of the demand for content, from story writing
to journalism and even simple reviews and comments. The advent of AI
writing tools has made it possible for the average person to release
their creative genius without having to spend hours worrying about
producing the content — with this new way of thinking we
see that creators are now able to bring
their skillsets into a more efficient use by not wasting as much time on
skills they don’t have and instead focusing on what they are best at -
creativity and emotions.